Do The Opposite | 1
The Principles Of Training
Warwick describes the principle of Do The Opposite in order to get your horse mentally and physically balanced so that you are working with or riding a relaxed, safe and confident horse.
Up Next in The Principles Of Training
Do The Opposite | 2
Taking a deeper dive into the Do The Opposite principle, Warwick gives practical examples of the balancing act both on the ground and under saddle including “collection”. Warwick also shows some examples with a jumping horse and explains his basic body control exercise, the Left/Right exercise.
Choose Where You Work and Rest | 1
This principle is one of the foundations of Warwick’s training process. A horse is always looking for the place that they feel most comfortable. They have an uncanny ability to remember where they get rest and where they work. In this episode, Warwick will illustrate a typical dressage lesson and...
Choose Where You Work And Rest | 2
Taking a deeper dive into the Choose Where You Work and Choose Where You Rest principle, Warwick addresses spooking and how it could be related to where your horse is attracted to versus repelled from. You will also see an example of a first ride in a big arena and why all of the reasons people s...